Language Teaching Methodology
In ELT there are a lot of methods and approaches. Which method or
approach to choose to make learning most effective? This is a
question every teacher should seek answers for. To me the best way
to teach is trying out combinations of methods and approaches. It is
rather interesting to investigate your own teaching and see what can
be improved. Here is my analysis and view of which methods and
approaches I use in my teaching and where there is place for
1. Introduction
Since the beginning of my teaching carrier I have been teaching only
adults but starting from September 2008 I began to teach students of
different age i.e. young learners, teenagers and grown-ups. Thus I
have great opportunities to investigate how things work for
different categories of learners. In my investigation I decided to
concentrate only on one age group because I consider teaching adults
as my strength and would like to develop even more in this
direction. I would like to investigate the following points:
How I start and finish my lessons
The range of interaction patterns I use in my classes
The roles of teacher and learner in my lessons
I chose the above points because I think the beginning of the lesson
is the time of setting goals for the learners and the end of the
lesson is the time of evaluating, assessing and looking at the
extent to which the goals were met. Looking at the range of
interaction patterns in my lessons will provide me with more
understanding of how to make my lessons more diverse and access
every learner. The role of teacher and learner is something I have
never really considered as somewhat important whereas the roles of
teacher and learner are very varied and changing roles is what makes
learning process multifarious.
2. How I start and finish lessons
Looking at how I start lessons I can say that not always I am able
to set a clear picture of what will be going on in the classroom
today and what the goals are for the learners, although I think I am
quite good at engaging students into the topic and establishing
rapport. When preparing a lesson a teacher must answer the question
“How can I challenge them? - Every learner, whatever their age or
level needs to be challenged. If there's no challenge then there's
no learning. If there's no learning, there's no motivation.”
(Jo Bertrand
I started one of my lessons with the activity of reconstructing the
text. Thus I wanted to begin my lesson with something students can
cope with easily. The text to be reconstructed belonged to the topic
“Interview” that we have been studying during a series of lessons.
The topic of the new lesson was “Making Presentations”. So, it would
have been better to connect the first task with the topic of the
lesson. This could be the engaging stage for the subsequent task. On
the other hand, that was a rehearsal for the students of how to
prepare for the interview. Besides, this activity was aimed at
receptive skills rather than productive and then developed into
production (speaking) which was challenging as the students had to
memorize a paragraph.
I started my other lesson with a different group from the request to
brainstorm what kind of finance there can be, but it seemed to be
rather unexpected and puzzling for students. There was some period
of silence and I could see puzzled faces. I was sure that my
students knew what kind of finance there can be and thus I did not
bother to prepare a clearer lead-in activity. When planning a lesson
it is a good idea to anticipate possible problems that might occur.
I should have given my students more scaffolding, maybe I should
have asked prompting questions. I presume that silence was the
result of students being either unsure of what the teacher wants to
hear from them or being very unconfident in their knowledge of the
subject. Jerome Bruner “stressed the importance of encouraging
guesswork and intuitive thinking in learners. This will only occur
if learners feel self confident to take risks… order to
encourage this process Bruner recognizes that teachers need to be
able to ask the right kind of questions” (Williams and Burden,
1997:26). So, I should have prepared a number of questions to lead
my students to the answers rather than just put the answers on the
board. This situation was not the only one in my teaching, so I have
to work out the procedures to avoid it. Sometimes I do manage to
engage my students and get them into “English speaking” frame of
mind as well as involve them into the topic.
The end of the lesson should be logical and summative. To my mind
the students should have a clear picture of what knowledge they got
today or during the series of lessons. They should be able to
reflect on what their goals were and if the goals were achieved i.e.
“monitoring their own progress against their goals” (Williams and
Burden, 1997: 206).
Judging from my classroom research data I can say that I am not
always successful at finishing lessons. In one of the lessons I
looked at, my timing was poor and the activity did not reach the
aim. I think students might have had a feeling of the job done in
vain. On the contrary in some of the lessons I have a great activity
to do e.g. the checklist of new vocabulary students have learnt in
this lesson. Everyone had a chance to check if he/she remembered all
the words. Thus all the students had a clear picture of what they
have learnt through the lesson and could see their own
3. The range of interaction patterns I use in my classroom
All learners are different, with different needs and objectives,
personality types and learning styles (Williams and Burden, 1997).
Thus a teacher is at a great challenge to seek for the ways to
address and cater each learner. In all my classes I use different
techniques and interaction patterns to make sure the learners of all
types have something to take.
Looking at the observation notes (taken during lessons) I can see
that after individual gap fill students seemed to have lost their
attention and then I seemed to make it even worse reading the
answers aloud. After this there was group work but it seemed to be
poor as the task was puzzling and difficult. Later in the lesson I
swapped the pairs and the students got really more woken up and
started to work more enthusiastically. This makes me think that a
teacher can make a lesson more active and effective by changing
pairs, grouping and regrouping so that even a boring topic can be
learnt in a livelier manner.
In one of my lessons students did a communicative task i.e. they
had to find the best way to invest money in order to help the
company stay in the market. This was an example of Task-Based
Learning (TBL). The principles of TBL are:
“-Activities that involve real communication are essential for
language learning.
-Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful
tasks promote learning.
-Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning
process” (Richards and Rodgers, 1986, p. 223).
What I could see is that everyone was fully engaged into this
activity and eager to give their opinion. When a student did not
know the word in English others tried to help. The use of language
was spontaneous and I was surprised to see how many clever and
unexpected ideas students produced. “Teachers must encourage direct
and spontaneous use of the foreign language in the classroom.”
(Richards and Rodgers, 1986, p. 11)
Very often in my lessons a group discussion transforms into talk
with the teacher involved. Possibly that happens because I cannot
stay aside of the discussion as I really want to have my say. I can
see that learners really like what we are discussing and very often
they invite me to participate. They are interested in me as a person
and that is why want to know my opinion because “….in every teaching
act the teacher defines herself as a person.” (Williams and Burden,
1997, p. 63) Even at a low level of language knowledge students have
a lot to share and exchange with the teacher “…we have to accept
that teaching is an expression of values and attitudes, not just
information or knowledge” (Williams and Burdens, 1997, p. 63). As I
am looking at myself as a teacher through time I can see that I
actually more and more often try to stay aside from discussions and
let students exchange their opinions without me being involved. I
realize that by giving my opinion I might discourage some of the
students who do not want to contradict with the teacher. I am in
favor of making my classroom more learner-centered. That’s why in
group-work activities I do not interfere during the discussion.
The roles of teacher and learner in my lessons
The range of interaction patterns I use in my teaching is various.
Different interaction patterns change the roles of a teacher and
roles of a learner. I find myself in various roles from very
authoritative when I am a model or a source of correct answers to
observing and assisting my students.
In the lessons with higher levels of students I am more a counselor,
I provide my students with a task and observe them doing it in pairs
or groups. Here I can see some patterns taken from Community
language teaching. In groups students exchange their ideas about
different issues. Some of them are more experienced (e.g. in
financial lexis), some of them are not. So the teacher here is not
to interfere and explain every unknown word, other students can do
it. That is an “interaction between learners and knowers” ( Richards
and Rodgers, 1986, p. 91). Besides, after the check list at the end
was given students could see the answers in the handout so the
teacher gave feedback in an indirect way. Students could assess and
evaluate their performance on their own. This kind of check up
gives students a feeling of their own responsibility for their
learning. The teacher is there not to scold or praise, but to
facilitate the learning process. My intention here was to let
students analyze how many words they have remembered and which words
they forgot i.e. assess their own progress in a stress-free
atmosphere and thus increase their intrinsic motivation. In this
situation the student had a role of assessor of him/herself.
In one of my lessons students had to make a presentation of a
company, others were listening and assessing using a special check
list. So that was peer assessment. Each student have a role to
assess the peer.
It is an important teacher’s role to give feedback. I am trying to
change the way I give feedback to my students. I want them to find
answers by themselves. I ask questions like “So what can you do to
improve the situation? What can you do to help?” I am a helper
here, not the model or truth of the last resort. I want my students
to get the feeling they have arrived to the answer themselves.
Students are not only in the role of receiving feedback, but also in
the role of giving feedback to the teacher. I get a lot of feedback
from students saying that they like the atmosphere in the lessons. I
have some students who have been with me for four or five years and
they do not want to stop studying. I was always thinking why it
happens like this. I think this happens because I manage to build
rapport with my students i.e. “…meeting others in their world,
trying to understand their needs, their values, and their culture
and communicating in ways that are congruent with those values.” (Rylatt
and Loman in Richards and Rodgers, 1986, p. 128) This has to do
with Neurolinguistic Programming which is not an approach or method
but a “training philosophy” (Richards and Rogers, 1986, p. 125).
5. The methods and approaches used in the
In my teaching I choose what to teach judging by the situation and
learners’ needs. “In trying to apply approaches and methods,
teachers sometimes ignore what is the starting point in language
program design, namely, a careful consideration of the context in
which teaching and learning occurs, including the cultural context,
the political context, the local institutional context, and the
context constituted by the teachers and learners in their
classrooms.” (Richards and Rogers, 1986, p. 248). Thus I believe
that any behavior has reasons and very often the teacher makes a
choice on what to do relying on his/her intuition and beliefs.
The approach that I used in one of my lessons was lexical approach.
“….building blocks of language learning and communication are not
grammar, functions, notions, or some other unit of planning and
teaching but lexis, that is, words and word combinations.” (Richards
and Rodgers 1986, p. 132) The ultimate aim of the lesson was not to
teach students how to communicate but to teach them some words they
need to apply in their professional life.
There is a lot of TBL (Task Based Learning) in my lessons. I set a
task and let learners get away with it.
In general terms I evaluate my teaching as English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) i.e. all students need English for their job and thus
we study words and functions to be used specifically in business
life. “ESP…has been referred to as "applied ELT" as the content and
aims of any course are determined by the needs of a specific group
of learners.” (
The topic of that lesson was “Financial Lexis”. This emerged from
the need of my students to know vocabulary they can use when
communicating in financial sphere. “For Dudley-Evans (2001) the
defining characteristic of ESP is that teaching and materials are
based on the results of a needs analysis.” (
Conclusion: Reflection
This investigation work was very useful for me as now more and more
often I am finding myself in a meta position. Very often in my
everyday teacher life I have no time to reflect and analyze my
teaching and see further than exercises recommended by the course
book. I rarely manage to stay aside and actually think about what
and how I am teaching. It is good to look around, analyze and accept
a lot of innovations or alternative points of view. “…Reflective
analysis of one’s own teaching develops a greater understanding of
the dynamics of classroom practice and leads to curriculum change
that enhances learning outcomes for students”. (Burns, 1999, p. 12)
Before starting to work on this assignment I thought that the
procedures I do on my lessons cannot be attributed to any of the
approaches/methods. Having done some reading I realized that I
actually do use a combination of different methods. I made sure that
a method chosen by a teacher largely depends on his/her personality,
beliefs and assumptions. I am the kind of person who is more
process-oriented than result-oriented. And I found out that there's
actually such a notion as “process-oriented objectives” which a
method has (Richards and Rodgers, 1986, p. 24). I have found the
following correlation: personality of teacher leads to teacher’s
role which leads to a method.
The information that I learn about methods and approaches gives me
more confidence about what I am doing and actually shows some other
ways to look at and investigate. When I started teaching I couldn't
imagine how great, vast, big and varied the world of teaching is.
Burns, A. (1999) Collaborative Action Research for English Language
Teachers. Cambridge University Press, 2003
Bertrand, J.
Richards, J.C., Rodgers, T.S. (1986) Approaches and Methods in
Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2007
Williams, M., Burden, R.L. (1997) Psychology for Language Teachers:
Constructivist Approach. Cambridge University Press, 2007
Unknown author