Language Awareness
1. Introduction
“Language Awereness is a mental attribute which develops through
paying motivated attentention to language in use, and which enables
language learners to gradually gain insights into how languages work.
It is aslo a pedagogic approach that aims to help learners to gain
such insights”. (Tomlinson
Bolitho et al, 2003, p.251).
“Motivated attention” is the term that is specially valid to me here.
If a learner pays motivated attention to the language it means he/she
is not indifferent to it and asks a lot of questions about the
language and would like to know more. He/she also compares it with
the mother tongue and draws
and concepts about both languages.
Language Awareness is a process going on in learners. They develop
their own language awareness from the new world opening for them.
This process starts from the very first moment a person begins to
study a foreign langauge. Not only learner develops language
awareness but so does the teacher. Interaction within the classroom
implies that teacher’s opinion is important to learners. So, a
teacher should be careful not to destroy the learner’s view of the
language by being more authoritative and saying what is wrong and
what is right. “Most learners have an emotional as well as an
intellectual relationship with a foreign langauge” (Bolitho, 1999,
p.5). A good teacher should give his/her learners chances to
develop their own relationships with the language.
I designed a piece of language awareness material and would like to
reflect on the way it went on in my classroom.
2. Profile of the group I teach
The group I teach is
Business English pre-intermediate adult group. The content of the
course book is rather sufficient and more likely to be referred to
as Intermediate, that is why I took authentic text from The course book I am using with my students in
the lessons has got a section on Present Simple and Present
Continuous. The two tenses are contrasted in one of the units of the
book and both of the tenses are applied in a business context. It is
indicated that surrounded with the context of future time and with
future time adevrbials Present Continuous tense can be used to talk
about plans.
Nothing is said though
about the difference between Present Continuous for future and
will+infinitive. That is why I decided to suppliment the grammar
point of Present Continuous and will+infinitive with Language
Awareness material.
Very often I can hear from my students things like “Why are there so
many tenses in English? Can’t they dispense
with one past, one present and one future tense?”. These questions,
to my mind, can be answered through Language Awareness work. The
material I designed is aimed at raising learners’ awareness of usage
of “to be + verb+ing” as well as “will+infinitive”. The topic I
chose was the prices for houses in the UK and all the prognoses
connected with this subject. There are opinions of some experts in
this material that I found very useful to demonstrate the difference
between the two structures. Besides, there are a lot of words and
expressions that were new to my students and I was challenged by
teaching vocabulary through Language Awareness kind of work.
3. The Language Awreness material I designed and the way it went on
in the classroom
A: Task: Read the text and answer the questions after each section
1. UK house prices are now nearly 15 per cent lower than 12 months
ago, according to the Nationwide, with the price of an average house
dropping by £30,000 to £158,872.
But when will the house price crash end and how far will
prices fall? Should buyers grab a bargain now, or wait
another year, or even longer. Times Money asked five experts
for their predictions on when the market will hit rock bottom.
Here are their answers. And have your say in our poll below.
Look at the underlined words and answer the questions:
What other things can crash?
What can a person grab?
does the journalist say “Grab a bargain” not ‘buy”?
“wait another year” –
how long should the buyer wait for? Shall he wait for 2009 to come
or should he spend one more year waiting?
In what way can a person ‘hit rock bottom’ ?
Why do you think the journalist chose these words? What is their
impact on the reader?
The way students identified the meaning of the underlined words came
from the direct tranlations they already knew for “crash” and
It was a good chance for students to see the way these words
are used figuratively. There were good comparisons between “grab a
bargain” and “buy”. Question number 4 lead to some confusion in
answers, I think this was due to the confusing way I built the
question. Question number 5 was also not easy to answer for my
students. I had to provide some aditional explanations about what
happens to a person that hits rock bottom.
Then students had to compare the use of this phrase in relation to
B: Look carefully at the language used in the five expert
predictions below. Which do you think is most certain? Which is
least certain? Give reasons from each text for your answer.
Martin Ellis – chief economist, Halifax
Prediction: Another 8% fall
“We are predicting a 20 per cent fall over 2008 and 2009 – so as we
calculate that prices have already fallen by 12.4 per cent, we would
expect roughly another 8 per cent fall before prices start to
bottom out at the end of 2009.
“There’s a lot of uncertainty surrounding the economy and
unemployment figures in particular at the moment, so it’s very hard
to say when prices will start to
recover. Prices certainly won’t bounce back quickly.”
Does the expert expect a fall of exactly 8 per cent? Is he very sure
in this figure?
Please read the example: Peter's feeling of sadness bottomed
out and then he began to feel cheerful again. What happened
to Peter’s feeling of sadness? What happened to the prices at the
end of 2009?
Here the students could see the use of Present Continuous for the
process going on around the time of speaking “We are predicting…”.
The words “we would expect” refer to the present but the impression
the reader gets is about the future. A good insight here is that it
is possible to describe forthcoming events without using grammar
structures that are referred to indicating future. The words “Prices
certainly won’t…” show that something is very unlikely to happen in
the future. The students gave good reasons why the journalist used
these particular phrases. The phrase “bottomed out” caused some
confusion. The comparison between “Peter’s feeling of sadness” and
prices going through the same process appeared to be not quite
comprehensible. Some of the students came up with translation which
was Russian slang but it was very appropriate.
Jonathan Davis –
Prediction: Another 35% fall
“The market will not bottom out until spring 2011, by which
point there will be a 40 to 50 per cent drop from when house prices
were at their peak in August last year.
“If you remember the last house price crash in 1988, it took until
1994 for the market to recover, so a good four or five years.
There is no reason whatsoever to suppose the market will recover any
quicker this time.
“It is far too early to bag a bargain – people should not be
buying for at least another two years. We are only one year into the
crash, and it has a long way to go yet.”
True or false?
a. The market will reach its lowest point by spring 2011.
b. The highest price for houses was in August last year.
c. The last price crash was in 1988 and the years before everything
got back to normal were really good.
d. It is not yet the best time to invest in property
The questions here look more like concept check questions. It was
interesting to look at how students understand the phrase “a good
four or five years”. This is not how we would say in Russian. So it
was good to raise learners’ awareness that in English it is possible
to say so. I missed the opportunity to ask about the degree of
certainty when the speaker says: “The market will not bottom out
until…” This could be a nice utterance to discuss with my students
and to listen to their reasons.
Yolande Barnes – Savills
Prediction: Another 10% fall
“We are forecasting a 25 per cent drop from when house prices were
at their peak last year, so that means we’ve got about
another 10 per cent to go. Whilst we expect prices to
bottom out during 2010, the prospect of
recession means we do not expect prices to start
recovering anytime soon. Houses will not regain their 2007 value
until about 2014, or possibly 2013 in the south-east.”
How high are the prices when they are at “their peak”?
What happens to prices when they “recover”?
Students could answer the two above questions very easily. I also
asked a question: “Why did the author use the word “recover” about
the prices?” One of my students said that this word actually shows
that the prices went down (“fell ill”) and started to go up i.e.
“recover”. This is a good metaphor to have in mind when describing
the trends in prices.
Nicholas Leeming –
Prediction: Another 10% fall
“There will be a further drop of
about 10 per cent throughout 2009, before the market starts to
level out at the end of the year. It will take a while
for the effects of the Government bail-out to filter
through – the capital markets will not be freed up until
maybe the third quarter of 2009, when we can expect to see more
mortgage transactions and a gradual
recovery of the market.”
1. Will it take a long time for the effects of the Government
bail-out to filter through?
2. Which of the following do you associate with ‘level out’?
(a) an upwards tendency (b) a plateau (c) a downwards tendency?
The first question here is a vocabulary kind of work. The second
question reveals students’ associations with “level out” which shows
students that they can associate the words with something they
already know and thus work out their own images of English words.
Nick Bate, UK economist, Merrill Lynch
Prediction: Another 10% fall
“There will be a 25 per cent drop from the market peak last summer –
we have already seen about a 15 per cent drop, so we have about
another 10 per cent to go.
“However, no one can say with any confidence exactly where prices
will be in a year’s time – but it will certainly be a long time
before prices recover to the levels we saw last year. With
unemployment rising and people becoming less credit worthy, banks
may continue to be reluctant to lend for some time, and this
will lead to a very muted recovery.”
the above prediction very certain? What words tell you that something is to
happen for sure and which words should you doubt?
the bank be eager to lend money to borrowers?
the recovery going to be rapid?
Question number one makes learners think about the language used. In
particular about the words used and the reasons why those words were
used. Being able to give reasons for somebody else’s choice the
students will able to justify the choices they make in their speech.
They will be using the language with more awareness and creativity
and will be paying “motivated attention” to it.
(Bolitho et al, 2003, p.251).
Before I started to work with the material I did not introduce the
function of predicting for will+infinitive. I wanted my students to
come up with the undestanding from the context. We looked at the
difference between the two structures being used. While doing the
activity I could see that sometimes the students seemed puzzled by
my questions. For example: “Why did the author use will+infinitive
in this sentence not to be+verb+ing?”.
It was great to listen to the reasons the students gave. The most
precious thing was that the students were developing their
sensitivity to the language items without help of the grammar book
or the rules given to them in advance. “Language Awareness is an
internal, gradual, realization of the realities of language use”.
(Bolitho et al, 2003, p.252).
This was a chance for the students to build their own hypothesis
and think of the reasons to support their guesses.
The students looked at the words like "predicting", "certainly" and
how they managed to understand what the author was going to say.
This piece of material helped students to become aware that grammar
is also one of the means of communicating a message. My students
used to see grammar only as the pattern to follow in order not to
make mistakes. Language Awareness work let them see that the choice
of the grammar tense influences not only the time of action (past,
present, future) but also the shade of meaning. Students started to
compare English with Russian langauge where there is one past tense,
one present tense and one future tense. The meaning of certainty and
uncertainty is transferred through the words like “for sure”, “may
be” etc. i.e. the meaning is transferred through vocabulary, not
grammar – a good insight for my students to get. Besides, future
time can be conveyed though the context and future time adverbials
that are as important in conveying meaning as the verb forms. On top
of that a speaker may not use the verb forms attributed to
indicating future but it will be evident that he/she is speaking
about forthcoming events.
“Language Awareness is not taught by the teacher or by the
coursebook; it is developed by the learner” (Bolitho et al, 2003,
p.252). But this does not mean that a teacher should leave it
to the learner. A teacher’s objectives must be “helping learners to
develop such cognitive skills as connecting, generalizing, and
hypothesizing, and developing learners to become independent, with
positive attitudes towards the language, and to learning the
language beyond the classroom” (Bolitho et al, 2003, p.252). As a
follow-up I could have asked my students about why they think there
are so many words to describe
processes? And is it the same in Russian? Thus I could have
increased my students’ intererst to all kinds of financial
discourses. Perhaps they would get interested in finding examples of
other ways of describing financial processes in English. They would
get aware that even in describing a serious topic there is place for
playing with language and making it more vivid. As a teacher I
should have done that. A teacher should be able to look at the
language inquisitively
and intuitively, make hypotheses and look for confirmations.
Teacher Language Awareness (TLA) is a crutial element of language
awareness work. “TLA....relates to the L2 teacher’s need to be able
to function effectively as an analyst of the language, with the
ability “to talk about the language itself, to analyse it, to
understand how it works and to make judgements about acceptability
in doubtful cases” (Edge,1998, p.24). While making this piece of
material I found out some words and expressions I did not know
before. Things like “ to hit rock bottom” and “to bail out”. In the
lesson I asked students to predict the meanings of the words. They
were very successful I should say. What helped them is the context
that facilitated guesses and me welcoming all the options that
students provided. I think that making right guesses encouraged the
students. The new vocabulary was not something undesirable for them.
It was an opportunity to show everyone’s ability to understand and
analyse a complicated authentic discourse on finance. This kind of
work was motivating and encouraging.
Teachers are very busy with feeding their students with irregular
verbs and things like Past Simple vs Past Continuous. The teachers
know grammar rules and this is the first thing they teach. However,
“Subject matter knowledge is not sufficient to ensure the effective
application of TLA in pedagogical practice” (Andrews, p 24, 2007).
Doing language awareness kind of work means teaching students to
understand the message through language feeling, reading between the
lines. No doubt each teacher should do language awareness work. It
should be instilled at every level. Even at the beginner level. A
teacher should introduce language as something alive but not fixed
4. Conclusion
Having tried to do language awareness work I realized that first it
is difficult to design a piece of language awareness material and
second it is not easy to actually ask students do this kind of work.
I cannot say I managed to do my work perfectly well but I think I
my students to
that in English reading between the lines is not only possible but
also very important.
I have a student who constatntly asks for a translation of words and
sentences. At first I did not like it but later realised that this
thirst for translation can be used as a good basis for language
awareness tasks such as – translating the senctence and discuissing
if the direct translation should be used or we have to change
something. We can look at the meaning and see if it changed or not.
Designing this task was a valuable experience for me. It made me
think not only about the language itself but also about how to make
students see what I see in the language. Language awareness for me
is like seeing something invisible. It turns out that even if you
know the translation of the word it does not mean you know the word.
For me as for a teacher this idea is very important to bear in mind.
Very often in the lesson I just give the translation to my students.
Language awareness work gives me and my students a chance to analyse
things and not just use pieces of language mechanically. This kind
of work awakes motivation in learners because it turns things round
for them. They start discovering something they have never paid
their attention to before.
When doing language awareness activity I realised this is so very
much what we (me and students) are not used to doing. I always found
myself getting to concept checks
and comprehension checks. I found it difficult to ask questions
leading students to the answers I wanted to hear -the answers that
would correspond to the notion of Language Awareness. At this very
moment I realized how little I do in my classroom to let students
feel the language not just understand it.
My furture work with students will involve more work on connotations
and shades of meaning so that learners could have no fear of
hypothesizing and experimenting with the language. I would like to
develop a series of materials on different language awareness areas.
This kind of work will make me think more about the language and
thus my learnes will get more and more aware of the language they
are studying.
Book |
Andrews, S. (2007) Teacher Language Awareness.
Cambridge University Press |
Journal articles |
Bolitho, R. Carter, R. Hughes, R. Ivanic, R. Masuhara, H.
Tomlinson, B. (2003) Ten questions about language awareness.
ELT Journal Volume 57/3 July 2003 pp. 39-46 © Oxford
University Press |
Bolitho, R. (1999) Language Awareness in the English
classroom. English Teaching Professional Volume 6
pp.3-6 |
Edge, J. (1998) Applying linguistics in English language
teacher training for speakers of other languages. ELT
Journal , Volume 42(1) 1998, pp. 9-13 |
Web site | (accessed 5 November 2008) (unknown author) |